MATLAB: App designer opening new figure

app designerguiplotting

Hi all.
I am currently developing a GUI with App Designer
I want to plot some data in an exsiting axes of my app. I am using the following code for that:
if app.Settings.Odds.PlotVal
app.GUI.Market {iM} .pVal = plot (app.GUI.Market {iM} .Axes, newTime, Val (1,1));
backName = 'Back' ;
The data are plotted in the axes I want, but at the same time, a new blank figure pops-up, and I have to close it everytime.
Am I doing anything wrong?

Best Answer

Hi Gonçalo,
Check the rest of your script if it contains any label, legend, title, etc. info, which you forgot to delete. Any of those will trigger an empty plot to open.