MATLAB: App Designer not changing Edit Field Value after button is pushed

app designeredit field (text)

Using the callback below, I am trying to print text to a "status bar" (Edit Field Text) before the body of the function is reached to indicate that the App is "processing". At the end of the script, I am printing "STATUS: Complete" to indicate that the funcion is done running. The "STATUS: Complete" text has no trouble being displayed in the edit text field, but i can't get it to print the initial STATUS text.
My code is arranged like so:
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
app.StatusField.Value = 'STATUS: Processing…';
[body of function….]
app.StatusField.Value = 'STATUS: Complete';

Best Answer

Try this
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
app.StatusField.Value = 'STATUS: Processing...';
drawnow() % <---- tell matlab to update now
[body of function....]
app.StatusField.Value = 'STATUS: Complete';