MATLAB: App Designer: Keeping some components fixed size while resizing the rest


I am designing an app with a plot and a control panel. I would like the plot to resize and the panel to have a fixed horizontal width when the user resizes the app window. Right now the behavior is such that both the plot and the panel both resize in x and y dimensions. 
How can I accomplish this? 

Best Answer

1. Set the "AutoResizeChildren" property to 'off' on the parent of the uipanel which needs to be of fixed width and write a SizeChangedFcn for it instead. 
Write callback functions with the "SizeChangedFcn" property that would make the uipanel grows taller and make the axes grows wider and taller when the app is resized.
2. Leave AutoResizeChildren to 'on' on the uipanel (and any containers inside it), so that when the uipanel is made taller (via the SizeChangedFcn written above), the things inside the uipanel get auto resized.