MATLAB: Apart from main program, executing function continuously GUI matlab.

guimatlab gui

Dear experts,
this is Carlos. Now, I'm programming a GUI in Matlab.
In this GUI, I have some buttons and static texts. Particularly, I would like to change the text of a static box continuously, i.e., regardless the changes made in the main program.
Concretely, this static box takes the values from other hardware. The values obtained from this hardware have to be shown constantly. Simultaneously this static box shows the values from the hardware, I would like to press other buttons and carry out other functions.
The concept I look for, probably, is a kind of parallel programming. However, I think an easier solution should have.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You can use a timer to update the GUI. Store the handle of the GUI object to be affected in the timer's UserData, such that it is available in the TimerFcn.
function myGUI
FigH = figure;
TextH = uicontrol('Style', 'Text', 'Position', [10, 10, 200, 24]);
TimerH = timer('UserData', TextH, 'TimerFcn', @myTimerFcn, 'Period', 1, ...
'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate');
function myTimerFcn(TimerH, EventData)
TextH = get(TimerH, 'UserData');
set(TextH, 'String', datestr(now, 0));
drawnow; % Thanks Walter
Store the handle of the timer in the figure's UserData or ApplicationData (e.g. by handles.timerH = timer(...), such that it can be deleted in the CloseRequestFcn of the figure automatically.