MATLAB: Any possibilities of using sortrows for strings


I have a cell named 'b' consisted of n by 1 of strings, each row in a cell is a string. See below.
The 1,2,3,4 is not b's original order. the original order is a = [3 1 4 2], which means 'hello world' should be in the 1st row, 'hello' should be in the 2nd row, 'world hello' should be in the 3rd row, and 'world' should be in the 4th row.
How to achieve this? How to comebine 'a' and 'b' and by sorting 'a' it also sort 'b'?
Use a table? Matrix? Cell? which one I could apply 'sortrows'?

Best Answer

If I'm understanding correclty, no need for sortrows().
b = {'hello';'world';'hello world';'world hello'};
a = [3 1 4 2];
ans =
4×1 cell array
{'hello world'}
{'hello' }
{'world hello'}
{'world' }