MATLAB: Another user defined function question

mean and maximumuser defined functions

Write an user-defined function to calculate the mean value and the maximum value of the following vector. Write another function to count how many ‘0’s the vector has x = [0, 103, 0, 105, 104, 0, 99, 100, 0, 102, 0, 107, 105] need help with this one also. it jsut userdefined functions that i don't get.

Best Answer

x = [0, 103, 0, 105, 104, 0, 99, 100, 0, 102, 0, 107, 105]
RESULT=noofzeros(x) %function calling

[MEAN,MAX] = meanmax(x) %function calling
function result = noofzeros(x) %function definition
result = numel(x(x==0));
function [MEAN,MAX] = meanmax(x) %functin definition
MEAN = mean(x);
MAX = max(x);