MATLAB: Anonymous function to calculate a sum

anonymous function

I have to write an anonymous function which calculates the following sum for a given real number x and a positive integer:
x + (x^2)/2! + (x^4)/4! + … + (x^2n)/(2n)!
I started off with this:
ch = @(x,n) …
But I don't know how I can calculate the sum with only the anonymous function.

Best Answer

>> fun = @(x,n) x + sum(x.^(2:2:2*n) ./ factorial(2:2:2*n));
>> fun(3,5)
ans = 12.066
Compare against your expansion:
>> x = 3;
>> fun(x,2)
ans = 10.875
>> x + (x^2)/factorial(2) + (x^4)/factorial(4)
ans = 10.875