MATLAB: Anonymous Function soustraction problem with a parameter

anonymous functionMATLAB

Hello. ı want to plot a correlation between the received power (Pr(dB)) and the frequency (f)(variable of an anonymous function PL_dB). my equation is Pr_dB = @(f) TXPower – PL_dB(f);
where Pr_dB is the received power,
TXPower the transmitted power. TXPower is a parameter that can be enter from the GUI,
PL_dB the path loss. it is function of the frequency f.
the problem with the code is that the Pr(dB) gives me wrongs answers.
Pr_dB =30 -102= -72 but the code gives me 41 as Pr_dB value. Can someone please help me with that? here below is the code.
close all;
clear variables;
SF=4.0;% Shadow fading standard deviation in dB
d0=1;% Free space reference distance in meters
c = 3e8; %% speed of light (m/s)
h_BS = 15; % Base station height in meters (10-150 m), only used for the RMa scenario
TRDistance= 100;
lambda = @(f) (c/(f*1e9));
%Path Loss
PL_dB =@(f)( 20*log(4*pi*d0*f*1e9/c) + 30.7*(1-0.049*((h_BS-35)/35))*log((TRDistance)) + SF*randn);
%Received power
Pr_dB =@(f) TXPower - PL_dB(f);
%verify (PL_dBm), (Pr_dBm)and (TXPower) values
fprintf('the path loss is %d , the received power is %d .\n ',func2str(PL_dB) ,func2str(Pr_dB));
fprintf('the TX is %d .\n',(TXPower));
%ploting the the recived power depending on the frequency
fplot(Pr_dB, [1,28]);

Best Answer

You were not actually evaluating the function for values of f; you were entering the anonymous function as a char array.
%verify (PL_dBm), (Pr_dBm)and (TXPower) values
for f=linspace(1,28,30)%1 to 28 in 30 steps
fprintf('the path loss is %.0f , the received power is %.0f .\n ',PL_dB(f) ,Pr_dB(f));
fprintf('the TX is %d .\n',(TXPower));