MATLAB: Anonymous function + IF + fitnlm = possible

anonymous functionfitnlmif statement

Hello. Is it possible to have an anonymous function combined with an If statement in a non-regression function? something like this —>
tbl = table(x1, x2, x3, y);
if table.x1 < 30
modelfun1 = @(b,x)(...Equation (1)...);
b0 = [1 1 1 ...];
else % table.x1 > 30
modelfun2 = @(b,x)(...Equation (2)...);
b0 = [1 1 1...];
mdl1 = fitnlm(tbl, modelfun1, b0)
mdl2 = fitnlm(tbl, modelfun2, b0)

Best Answer

Not an if statement. However you can use a form of ‘logical indexing’ to do essentially the same thing.
x = linspace(0, 60);
b = [3 11];
modelfun = @(b,x) (x<=30).*(b(1).*x/10 - b(2)) + (x>30).*(b(1).*sin(x.*b(2)));
plot(x, modelfun(b,x))
Logical vectors evaluate as (0,1) numeric values in calculations.