MATLAB: Anonymous function hyperbolic function code

anonymous functionhomeworkhyperbolic function

sinh(x) =(exp^(x)-exp(-x))/2
cosh(x) =(exp(x)+exp(-x))/2
anonymous functions mysinh(x) and mycosh(x)
which perform the calculations above. Call these functions and plot both mysinh and
mycosh from −2 ≤ x ≤ 2 using 1/100 increments on a single figure. Label, add a
legend, and title it ”Anonymous Output”.
Please help to write this function, Thanks I know about @, but I get errors all the time, so i feel lost here.

Best Answer

When asking for help, please be as specific as possible. You get errors? WHAT ERRORS?
snh = @(x) (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2
This sounds like homework. Please show all of the work you have done so far and describe where you are stuck.