MATLAB: Animating a circle based on diameter data


I have two columns of data. In one is the frame number (which I may convert to time in nanoseconds) and in the other is the diameter of an object at that frame or time. I would like to create an animated circle, where the circle is animated based on the changing diameter. For example, at frame 0 the diameter is 10 nanometers, at frame 1 the diameter is 9.5 nanometers, at frame 2 the diameter is 9 nanometers, and so on for about 4,000 frames. I would like to create a circle that is animated, changing by those diameters per frame. Can someone help with this? Thanks!

Best Answer

Here is a general sketch to create such animation. This code will write the animation frames to a video, you can modify the code according to your requirement.
animationWriter = VideoWriter('animation_file');
for i=1:4000
% create data for circle plot or any other processing you want to do
f = ....; % write your plotting command here using plot() or any other graphics primitive
frame = getframe(gcf);
writeVideo(animationWriter, frame);