MATLAB: Animatedline function in under R2014b version

animated line

Hi, I am using matlab 2014a, i want to use animatedline function but it is introduced in matlab 2014b. What's function i can use in R2014a to do the same task?

Best Answer

xlist = [];
ylist = [];
myline = line('LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '*', 'Color', 'b'); %use appropriate properties
set(gca, 'xlim', [0 1000], 'YLim', [-10 35]);
for K = 1 : 1000
newx = K + randn();
newy = sqrt(newx) + sin(newx);
xlist = [xlist, newx];
ylist = [ylist, newy];
if length(xlist) > 20
xlist = xlist(end-19:end);
ylist = ylist(end-19:end);
set(myline, 'XData', xlist, 'YData', ylist);
Note: although it is tempting to call line() or plot() with x and y data being empty to set up the line with no contents, doing so will result in no line, and then R2014a will not notice it is working with an empty graphics object.