MATLAB: Angle between two planes in simscape

camber angle

I am building a simscape model four wheel car. For now i want to measure the angle between two planes(wheel and the world frame).Is the any sensors to measure it directly? Any suggestions

Best Answer

Based on my understanding, you can make use of "Transform Sensor" which is is based on axis–angle representation of rotation in Euclidean space.
For arbitrary rotation in Euclidean space, it can be represented as two values: a unit vector and a scalar angle. The resultant rotation is obtained by taking the dot product of these two quantities.
Hence, in the 'Transform Sensor', the output 'q' represents only the angle, which is half the information. To get the complete rotation, you can enable the axis output and use the dot product of the two to obtain correct angular rotation between the two frames or planes.
You can refer to the attached model to look usage of transform sensor.
Hope it helps!