MATLAB: ANCOVA (aoctool) with 2 or more covariates


Is there any way to run an ANCOVA in Matlab with more than one covariate? The aoctool function only seems able to accept an IV a DV and one covariate but I have 2, possibly 3 covariates.
I can't seem to find if this is possible using aoctool or if there is another way to do it in Matlab…
As always, any help would be greatly appreciated,

Best Answer

I'll answer my own question... again.
aoctool can't take more than one covariate and there's no way round it. However, there is a file on the file exchange called MANCOVAN which can do all sorts of things - including an ANCOVA with more than one covariate.
That function does not output the stats array required by multcompare though, so really it's a bit of a dead end. Matlab really sucks sometimes.
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