MATLAB: Analyzing results and output plots of neural network

confusion matrixneural networkplotregressionrecognition ratesimtrainfcn

I'm new to neural network and need help , my simple nnet input consists of 15 class , each class has 7 samples i.e 15×7 =105 column vector , each of them has 20 element.
[R,Q1] = size(P); % [20 105]
[SN,Q2] = size(T); % [15 105]
if Q1 ~= Q2
error('Training:invalidTrainingAndDesired', ...
'The number of input vectors and desired ouput do not match');
mynet1 = newff(P,T, [20 15], {'tansig' 'tansig' }, 'trainlm');
mynet1.trainParam.epochs = 5000;
mynet1.trainParam.goal = 0.01; %*mean(var(T'))/100 ;
mynet1.performFcn ='mse'; = 0.01;
mynet1.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; %# how to divide data
mynet1.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100; %# training set
mynet1.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100; %# validation set
mynet1.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100; %# testing set = 100; = 0.95;
[mynet1,tr,Y,E] = train(mynet1,P,T);
y = sim(mynet1,P);
output =sim(mynet1,P(:,24));
1- I want to understand and know about some plots that's generated by neural network like the following image of the regression plot , I think there is something wrong .. can I know that from this plot ? and why the data points shown in the plot are like that ? is it normal or what does that indicate to ?
2 – As for the confusion matrix that's also generated by the nnet , do the percentages calculated in the last row and last column show the recognition rate ? what else can show the recognition rate ?
3 – I can't get the result class from (sim ), The output vector should be 0's and 1 only in the target class , but the values of the output vector that result from the (sim) fuction in mynet1 are real numbers because of tansig transfer function that's applied on my output , so how can I get back its format to get the test result of the nnet in the format I specified in the beginning ?
4- Why mynet1 can't never reach the goal performance (0.01) ? it always reaches around 0.05 ؟
5- When I doubled my dataset , I couldn't get a good result although I tried alot change the number of hidden layers and their neurons account , why ? what's a suitable back propagation training function ? or did I create mynet1 in a wrong way ? How to get best classification result
6- When should I do minmax(P) instaed of inserting P directly?
I hope to hear from someone ASAP . Thank you in advance

Best Answer

% Arbitrary data for checking syntax
P = randn(20,105);
T = repmat(eye(15),1,7);
MSE00 = mean(var(T',1)) % 0.0622 Biased
MSE00a = mean(var(T') % 0.0628 Unbiased
> mynet1 = newff(P,T, [20 15], {'tansig' 'tansig' }, 'trainlm');
For pattern recognition or classification with c classes it is better to
1. Use columns of eye(c) as targets.
2. Use SOFTMAX (or LOGSIG) as the output activation function
3. Use TRAINSCG as the training function
You can use NEWPR (Pattern Recognition). NEWPR calls NEWFF with training function TRAINSCG and classification specific plot functions. However, it uses TANSIG as the output activation instead of SOFTMAX OR LOGSIG. Therefore you can use
net = newpr(P,T, 20);
net.layers{net.numLayers}.transferFcn = 'softmax'
However, with the same RNG setting, you should be able to get the exact same net using
net = newff(P,T, 20, {'tansig' 'softmax' }, 'trainscg');
net.plotFcns = {'plotperform','plottrainstate','plotconfusion','plotroc'};
> mynet1.trainParam.goal = 0.01; %*mean(var(T'))/100 ;
T = repmat(eye(15),1,7); % Example
mean(var(T'))/100 % = 6.2821e-004
> mynet1.trainParam.epochs = 5000; > mynet1.performFcn ='mse'; > = 0.01; > mynet1.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; %# how to divide data > mynet1.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100; %# training set > mynet1.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100; %# validation set > mynet1.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100; %# testing set > = 100; > = 0.95;
Why not uncomplicate life and just use the defaults ??
> [mynet1,tr,Y,E] = train(mynet1,P,T);
> y = sim(mynet1,P);
The last calculation is unnecessary because y is just the same as Y and E = T-Y
trueclass = vec2ind(T);
assignedclass = vec2ind(y);
Now you can calculate error rates of all classes and the overall error rate.
> plotconfusion(T,y);
> output =sim(mynet1,P(:,24));
> output
> > 1- I want to understand and know about some plots that's generated > by neural network like the following image of the regression plot , I > think there is something wrong .. can I know that from this plot ? and > why the data points shown in the plot are like that ? is it normal or > what does that indicate to ?
Those plots are more appropriate for regression or curve-fitting (e.g., NEWFIT) They do not yield much info for classification. See my code above.
> 2 - As for the confusion matrix that's also generated by the nnet , do > the percentages calculated in the last row and last column show the > recognition rate ? what else can show the recognition rate ?
See the folowing and run the examples
help confusion
doc confusion
help confusionplot
doc confusionplot
> 3 - I can't get the result class from (sim ), The output vector should be > 0's and 1 only in the target class , but the values of the output vector > that result from the (sim) fuction in mynet1 are real numbers because > of tansig transfer function that's applied on my output , so how can I > get back its format to get the test result of the nnet in the format I > specified in the beginning ?
See my code above
> 4- Why mynet1 can't never reach the goal performance (0.01) ? it always > reaches around 0.05 ؟
Make changes and rerun. For each value of hidden nodes, H, run 10 or 20 trials to mitigate the random weight initializtion.
> 5- When I doubled my dataset , I couldn't get a good result although I tried > alot change the number of hidden layers and their neurons account , why ? > what's a suitable back propagation training function ? or did I create mynet1 > in a wrong way ? How to get best classification result
See above
> 6- When should I do minmax(P) instaed of inserting P directly?
Never. That is a more obsolete code than the obsolete code you are using.
With your version do not include the number of output nodes in the function call. It will be automatically obtained from T.
help newff
doc newff
> I hope to hear from someone ASAP . Thank you in advance
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer.