MATLAB: Analyzing Atomic Force Microscope data using MATLAB

2d plots3d plotsMATLAB

I am pretty new to MATLAB and only know some basic functions of the program. I have a 512×512 excel sheet that is height data from a section of surface the size of 20micometerX20micrometer. I am trying to input this data in to matlab and create a 2D and 3D plot of the data. I can input the data from excel and use the data to create a 'z' variable. What im struggling with is defining the x and y variable for the 3d plot and the x variable for the 2D plot. Please let me know if you believe you can help me!

Best Answer

[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(myfile) ;
[ny,nx] = size(num) ;
L = 20 ; % micrometer

B = 20 ; % micrometer
x = linspace(0,L,nx) ;
y = linspace(0,B,ny) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ;
pcolor(X,Y,num) ;
surf(X,Y,num) ;
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