MATLAB: An error (Two different outputs for a single command)

output error

When I ran my simple program, there were two different outputs. (Only single value of "gamma" in this case are expected one but I had two values. I have no idea on this part. Would you answer me?
(I am attaching a part of my program)
format long e
k=2.0; %default value is 2.0
k_1=1.0; %k(-1) default value is 0.1 (modified: 1.0)
k_2=0.01; %k(-1*)
k_(1)=10; %k'(-1) default value is 10
k_(2)=1.0; %k'(-1*) default value is 1.0
a_p=0.0008; %k(p) default value is 0.0002
k_p=0.00001; %k(-p)

Best Answer

k_ is a row vector, which explains why gamma becomes a row vector
>> whos k_ gamma
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
gamma 1x2 16 double
k_ 1x2 16 double
gamma is the name of a built-in function and thus should not be used as the name of a variable.