MATLAB: Amplitude-Frequency response peaks at zero, how to fix

amplitudeanalysisbinsdatadftexcelfftfilefrequencyMATLABpeaksignalsignal processing

I made an amplitude-frequency response curve but I have a peak at 0 Hz. I'm not sure why but I know for sure that this is definitely wrong. The peak should be around 125 Hz. How do I get rid of the zero peak? I have attached the code and the excel data file. Thanks!
f = xlsread(e);
%plotting the signal
t = f(:,1);
X1 = f(:,2);
data_d = detrend(X1,1);
hold on
plot(t,data_d, 'g')
hold off
%Some of the envelope code was not working properly because MATLAB read
%some lines of the excel file as infinite numbers. The envelope function
%does not take infinite numbers.
%Thus, the below code deletes the infinite numbers from the array. There
%are only 2 of them.
fin = isfinite(X1);
t = t(fin);
signal = X1(fin);
Fs = 5000;
%Since the signal is real-valued, we use only the positive frequencies from
%the DFT to estimate the amplitude. Scale the DFT by the length of the
%input signal and multiply all frequencies excep 0 and the Nyquist by 2.
xdft = fft(signal);
xdft = xdft(1:floor(length(signal)/2+1));
xdft = xdft/length(signal);
xdft(2:end-1) = 2*xdft(2:end-1);
freq = 0:Fs/length(signal):Fs/2;
hold on
plot(freq,ones(floor(length(signal)/2+1),1), 'LineWidth', 2)
xlim([0 200])
ylim([0 0.02])
hold off

Best Answer

The peak at 0 Hz is the direct-current (d-c) or constant offset. You can eliminate it by subtracting the mean of the signal before taking the Fourier transform.
xdft = fft(signal - mean(signal));