MATLAB: Amplitude, frequency and phase measurement using GAUSS-NEWTON ALGORITHM of biomedical signal like ECG or PPG.

multi objective gauss-newton algorithm.

I want to use GAUSS-NEWTON ALGORITHM for parameter estimation of ECG signal. I am using this paper as my reference paper, "Shazia Hasan, P. K. Dash, and S. Nanda, ―A signal processing adaptive algorithm for nonstationary powersignal parameter estimation‖,Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process. 2013; 27:166–181". I am working on this from a long time, but i am unable to find anything till now. If any one has any suggestion or thing related to this please share

Best Answer

We don’t have access to that paper (at least I don’t).
There are several parameter estimation functions available in MATLAB and the Statistics, Optimization, and Curve Fitting Toolboxes.
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