MATLAB: Am I using slice incorrectly

slice 3d

I'm plotting an n x 3 matrix which has temperature data, each of the indexes corresponds to location T(x,y,z). My problem is when I use slice it switches the x and y planes. The array is still stored correctly when points are called and the slices are in the right planes but instead of x extending to 72 it only goes to 24. I'm using Matlab 2012b if that makes any difference.
clear; clc;
T(50:60, :, :)=100;
T(:, 18:22, :)=-25;
figure; h= slice(T,[],[], 1);
for id = 1:72
h= slice(T,[],[], id);
axis([0 72 0 24 0 72]);
xlabel(' X axis');
ylabel(' Y axis');
zlabel(' Z axis');

Best Answer

Notice from the documentation for slice:
slice(V,sx,sy,sz) draws slices along the x, y, z directions in the volume V at the points in the vectors sx, sy, and sz. V is an m-by-n-by-p volume array containing data values at the default location X = 1:n, Y = 1:m, Z = 1:p. Each element in the vectors sx, sy, and sz defines a slice plane in the x-, y-, or z-axis direction.
Your volume is m-by-n-by-p, 72-by-24-by-72 so m=72. n=24, p=72, and so X = 1:24, Y = 1:72, Z = 1:72 which is what you are observing.
In other words, when you plot, X is columns (second index) and Y is rows (first index)
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