MATLAB: Am I unable to view variable in the workspace browser in MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b)


When I create variables in MATLAB, for example:
myvar = 34;
I am unable to see it in the MATLAB workspace browser. However, I have noticed that when I navigate to the "Path Tool" (from the "File -> Set Path" menu) and remove my network directories from the path, the issue is resolved and I can now view any variables that I create in the MATLAB workspace browser.

Best Answer

This might be a result of some of your network directories containing a redefinition of MATLAB data type constructor functions. For example, the following network directory:
contains a redefinition of the UINT32 constructor function. The internals of the workspace browser rely on MATLAB's built-in data type constructors. It is for this reason that the Workspace Browser does not display your variables when that network directory is on the path, but works fine when it is not.
To resolve this issue, please investigate what the redefined data type class (based on the above example: UINT32) in the "MyNetworkDir" directory does, and either:
- Rename this file
- Move this directory to the bottom of the search path using the path tool from the
"File -> Set Path" menu
- Fix this file to behave more like MATLAB's corresponding built-in data type constructor, or
- Remove it and rely on MATLAB's built-in data type constructor