MATLAB: Am I unable to view the callbacks for the GUI components in the Editor when I click on them in the GUIDE property inspector in MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)


When I right-click on a GUI component in GUIDE and click on "View Callbacks > Callback" I am not taken to the component's callback function in the GUI program file. Instead the property inspector opens up. If I click on the icon next to the "Callback" property, nothing happens.

Best Answer

This behavior can manifest if a GUIDE FIG-file is copied to create a new GUI. When the new FIG-file is opened in GUIDE, the callback properties of the GUI components still point to the old GUI program file. Therefore, if a new component is added, its callbacks will not be automatically created in the GUI program file and attempts to view the callback functions will be unsuccessful.
To correctly copy an existing GUI to a new GUI, open it up in GUIDE and choose "File > Save As". This will create a new GUI program file and modify all the callbacks of the GUI components.