MATLAB: Am I unable to use PSBUPDATE to update the old SimPowerSystems model saved with the break links option, to the SimPowerSystems 3.1 (R14) format

Simscape Electricalsps

I have a SimPowerSystems model that I saved using the following command:
save_system('sys', 'sys', 'BreakLinks')
We broke links in order to remove dependencies from custom libraries.

Best Answer

This is not a bug in SimPowerSystems but is the expected behavior.
You should use the "Restore disabled links" parameter of the POWERGUI block, that detects and warns the user for delinked blocks, and also to relink the SimPowerSystems blocks automatically before using the function PSBUPDATE.
If you have a de-linked block, you will receive a warning if you have set the option in POWERGUI to 'warning', but you cannot relink automatically to the latest library block. To actually use an updated block, you will have to manually transfer parameters from the old block to the new.
The practice of completely breaking the link is discouraged. The best alternative is to create your own library, and link your block in the model to this library.
Note: The PSBUPDATE function is obsolete as of Version 4.4 (R2007a).