MATLAB: Am I unable to tab to some UICONTROLs in the GUI in MATLAB


Initially, I run my GUI and click on a UICONTROL to give it focus. When I press the Tab key, I expect the GUI to tab through the other UICONTROLs. However, I do not see the UICONTROLs receiving focus.

Best Answer

This has been verified as an issue in MATLAB when tabbing through the following styles of UICONTROLs:
When the "String" property of these UICONTROLs is empty, the UICONTROL does not appear to have focus. However, note that the UICONTROL actually does have focus, and pressing the space bar will trigger its callback.
Currently, to work around this issue, you can give the UICONTROL a "String" property that is not empty. If you do not want anything to be displayed, you can use spaces.