MATLAB: Am I unable to specify more than two colors in the BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor properties of a uitable for Rowstriping purposes in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


The documentation of MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) mentions the following for the BackgroundColor property of a UITABLE:
Row 2 and subsequent rows of the matrix are used only if the RowStriping property is on.
and also the following at the RowStriping property:
For both BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor, the first color applies to the first row, the second color to the second row, etc.
This implies that I should be able to use more than two colors, but in fact I get an error when I try to do that:
??? Error using ==> uitable
BackgroundColors must contain at least one color of the form [r g b]
Error in ==> uitable at 56
thandle = builtin('uitable', varargin{:});

Best Answer

This is a bug in the documentation for MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b).
As of R2009a, the documentation has been corrected to indicate that a maximum of two colors are allowed.