MATLAB: Am I unable to set the new graphic to its original view after zooming on a new subplot


When I perform the following steps:
1)Create a 3D graphic with the SURF function.
2)Enable zoom with the Zoom In tool.
3)Click the mouse to zoom in.
4)Create in the same figure a 2D-graphic with the PLOT function (a subplot).
5)Zoom on it.
6)Double click this new plot (equivalent to 'Reset to Original View' from context menu).
I expect to get a 2D graphic (the original view) instead of a 3D graphic.

Best Answer

This is expected behavior. The "Original" zoom state is on a per-axes basis. This means that when the first zoom is executed, the state is stored. If a new plot is added later, the original view remains unchanged and is based on the original object in the axes. To reset the zoom state, use the ZOOM function, for example
zoom reset
This will store the current zoom status as the new "original axes state".