MATLAB: Am I unable to set the “HWDigitalTriggerSource” property for an Analog Output object created using Traditional NI-DAQ in Data Acquisition Toolbox

Data Acquisition Toolbox

I am using an National Instruments Board which supports hardware triggering for Analog Output (eg. PCI-MIO-16E-4, PCI-MIO-16E-1, PCI-6110, PCI-6013 etc.). I want to implement hardware triggering on the Analog Output object created in MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.11 (R2007b) using Traditional NI DAQ. However when I use the following code:
ao = analogoutput('nidaq',2);
I receive the following error:
Error using --> daqdevice.set at 259
Invalid property: 'HwDigitalTriggerSource'
When I run the GET function on the Analog Output object as follows:
I do not see the "HWDigitalTriggerSource" property.
>> get(ao)
BufferingConfig = [64 2]
BufferingMode = Auto
Channel = [1x1 aochannel]
ClockSource = Internal
EventLog = [1x0 struct]
InitialTriggerTime = [0 0 0 0 0 0]
MaxSamplesQueued = 2.66063e+008
Name = nidaq2-AO
RepeatOutput = 0
Running = Off
RuntimeErrorFcn = @daqcallback
SampleRate = 1000
SamplesAvailable = 0
SamplesOutput = 0
SamplesOutputFcn = []
SamplesOutputFcnCount = 1024
Sending = Off
StartFcn = []
StopFcn = []
Tag =
Timeout = 1
TimerFcn = []
TimerPeriod = 0.1
TriggerFcn = []
TriggersExecuted = 0
TriggerType = HwDigital
Type = Analog Output
UserData = []
NIDAQ specific properties:
OutOfDataMode = Hold
TransferMode = SingleDMA

Best Answer

For data acquisition objects created using Traditional NI-DAQ, the "HWDigitalTriggerSource" property is only implemented for the Analog Input object and not for the Analog Output object.
In order to achieve digital triggering for an Analog Output object, use NI-DAQmx to create the Analog Output object for any National Instruments board that supports hardware triggering.
Otherwise, if hardware triggering on an Analog Output object created using Traditional NI-DAQ has to be implemented, then you must connect the hardware trigger line to the "PFI6" pin.