MATLAB: Am I unable to select items from a popupmenu within a MATLAB GUI when another uicontrol callback function is executing on a Windows machine


Why am I unable to select items from a popupmenu within a MATLAB GUI when another uicontrol callback function is executing on a Windows machine?
I have created a GUI which contains a popupmenu and other uicontrols. I start the execution of one item's callback functions, and then try to select an entry from the popupmenu, which should stop the other uicontrol callback. However, the menu is only displayed briefly, and I am unable to select any items. The other uicontrol callback function continues to execute. I have set the "Interruptible" property of the other uicontrol to "on", but it does not change the behavior.

Best Answer

This has been verified as a bug in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) on Windows machines in that popupmenus do not interrupt callback functions.
Currently, as a workaround, use another style of uicontrol, like a listbox. Other styles of uicontrols will be able to interrupt callback functions.