MATLAB: Am I unable to see MATLAB and the toolboxes in the Perform Status output in LMTOOLS


When I perform a status enquiry on my MATLAB license from within LMTOOLS, the output received is for a different vendor's license. I would like to know why I am unable to see the status of my MATLAB license from within LMTOOLS.

Best Answer

This generally occurs when another product uses an Environment Variable that supercedes the license file check for the Status output. To workaround this error, you will want to follow the instructions below:
1. Open up LMTOOLS, from your $MATLABROOT/flexlm directory, where $MATLABROOT is your root MATLAB installation directory
2. On the 'Service/License File' Tab, check the 'LMTOOLS ignores license file path environment variables' checkbox
3. Navigate to the 'Server Status' tab in LMTOOLS
4. Click the 'Perform Status Enquiry' button.
You should now see the status output for your MATLAB license.