MATLAB: Am I unable to save changes to the Simulink 5.0 (R13) model which contains Dials & Gauges 1.1.2 (R13) blocks

dialsGauges Blockset

I have a model which has some blocks from the Dials & Gauges blockset version 1.1.2 (R13). I then make changes to these block's parameters and save the model. When I close my model then reopen it, my changes are not there. The Dials & Gauges blocks have reverted back to their original settings.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the Dials & Gauges blockset version 1.1.2 (R13).
This is happening because the Dials & Gauges blockset library has the MaskSelfModifiable set to 'on'. To fix this, you can copy and paste the following lines of code into the MATLAB R13 command window. This code will set this parameter to 'off':
set_param('dnglibv1/ActiveX Control','MaskSelfModifiable','off')
You will now be able to make changes to your model and have them saved.