MATLAB: Am I unable to recompile the boot code for the Embedded Coder for Motorola MPC555

bootcodeerrormpc555mpc555dkTarget Support Package FM5

Why am I unable to recompile the boot code for the Embedded Coder for Motorola MPC555?
When I try to compile my boot code, I see the errors:
MATLAB\bin\win32\mbuild.bat @mbuild.rsp MATLAB\toolbox\rtw\targets\mpc555dk\common\canlib\can_common
\general\canlibCCP.c MATLAB\toolbox\rtw\targets\mpc555dk\common\canlib\can_common\general\ccp_data.e
MATLAB\extern\include\tmwtypes.h(35) : fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
(compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1794)
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MBUILD.BAT: Error: Compile of 'MATLAB\toolbox\rtw\targets\mpc555dk\common\canlib\can_common\genera
l\canlibCCP.c' failed.

Best Answer

These errors are caused by using a different version of Microsoft Visual C than mpc555dk expects.
You can set up an enviroment variable MSVCDir which points to the MSVC directory.
For example, set:
MSVCDir=D:\Applications\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98.