MATLAB: Am I unable to open the multi-dimensional TIFF file in MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2)


I have a TIFF-file that I could open and view in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1). However, when I try to open that same file in MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2), I receive the following error:
??? Images with a Z dimension greater than 1 are not supported.
Error in ==> imagesci\private\readtif at 32
[X, map, details] = rtifc(filename, args.index);
Error in ==> imread at 308
[X, map] = feval(, filename, extraArgs{:});

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) in the way that it handles multi-dimensional TIFF-files. As a workaround, save the TIFF-file in another format, such as GIF or BMP, and open this file in MATLAB.