MATLAB: Am I unable to launch Microsoft Excel as a COM server when I use DFEVAL to execute the XLSWRITE function using Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.1 (R2009a)

comdfevalMATLAB Parallel ServerParallel Computing Toolboxxlsreadxlswrite

I am executing a MATLAB function on a remote system using the DFEVAL function as shown below:
servername = myServername';
out = dfeval(@myExcelJob, {rand(1, 20)},'LookupURL',servername, 'FileDependencies',{'myExcelJob.m'});
function out = myExcelJob(a)
fileName = 'myExcelFile.xlsx';
xlswrite(fileName, a);
out = pwd;
However, when I receive the following warning message:
Warning: Could not start Excel server for export.
XLSWRITE attempts to file in CSV format.
This warning indicates that Excel could not be started as a COM server. However, when I compile my function "myExcelJob.m" into a standalone executable and execute it on this same remote system, I am able to successfully create an Excel file.

Best Answer

The reason for this warning is that the user account which is being used to submit the job to the job manager running on the remote system when using the DFEVAL function does not have permissions to use Microsoft Excel installed on the system.
To work around this issue, ensure that Microsoft Excel is installed on this remote system for all users.