MATLAB: Am I unable to find the Simple Grid ActiveX control in the ActiveX Control Selector dialog box when creating a GUI in MATLAB


I am trying to use the ActiveX example on
I perform the following steps:
1. Create a GUI using GUIDE
2. Choose the ActiveX control button
3. Place a control on the figure.
When the ActiveX Control Selector dialog box opens, the Simple Grid Control is not in the list of available ActiveX Controls

Best Answer

The Simple Grid Control ActiveX control is not included in the MATLAB distribution.
To obtain and use it, follow the steps below:
1. Please perform an online search and download the control from one of the websites
2. Install the downloaded control.
3. Open a DOS command window and navigate to the directory where the control is installed.
4. Register the control by executing the following command in the DOS window:
regsvr32 name.ocx
where, name is the name of the control (e.g. sgrid.ocx)
5. Restart MATLAB
The control will now appear in the ActiveX Control Selector dialog box in MATLAB.