MATLAB: Am I unable to find the information on “enum_min” and “enum_max” in PolySpace Server for C/C++ 7.1 (R2009b) Help documentation

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I want to specify DRS on enum variables with a enum_min and enum_max keyword in R2009b.
However this information is not available in the PolySpace R2009b help documentation.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2011a (R2011a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
Documentation on the ENUM_MIN and ENUM_MAX functions is missing from PolySpace Server for C/C++ 7.1 (R2009b) product manual.
Here is additional information on the ENUM_MIN and ENUM_MAX functions:
Since R2009b, you can specify DRS on enum variables with a "enum_min" and "enum_max" keyword.
When using PolySpace with option "-main-generator" the stubbed function returns a value between the smallest and the greatest values of the enumeration constants if the return type is an enum.
Also the main generator generates a value between the smallest and the greatest values of the enumeration constants when the function being called has a parameter of an enum type.
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