MATLAB: Am I unable to connect to the database with the Visual Query Builder, when I am able to connect from the MATLAB command prompt using the Database Toolbox 3.1 (R14SP3)

confdsDatabase Toolboxjava.sql.sqlexception:notquerybuilderr14supportedvqb

I am able to connect to my data source from the MATLAB command prompt using the DATABASE command as follows:
conn = database(mydatasrc,myusr,mypwd)
where "mydatasrc", "myusr", and "mypwd" are the data source, username and password. However, when I open the Visual Query Builder function using the QUERYBUILDER command and attempt to connect to the same data source (using the same username and password) I am unable to connect.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006b (R2006b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This issue occurs when connecting to a database in which the login requires that the schema name be included in the table name specification. Not all databases support schemas. The Visual Query Builder does not support schema input in MATLAB 7.2 (2006a). However, this functionality will be available in a future release of MATLAB.
To work around this issue, you can create views (done at the database administration level) to see all of the tables to which you want access. Alternatively, you can connect to your database using the Database Toolbox's command line functionality.