MATLAB: Am I unable to change the Simulink 5.0 (R13) Font Preferences default settings


The Simulink model I am using was created in a previous release. This model uses monospaced font as its default. When I open this model in Simulink 5.0 (R13), the font is not displayed as expected.
I then tried going to the Simulink Font Preferences page (File —> Preferences) from my model and changing the font to 'Monospaced'. But when I go back to check the font setting, it has reset itself back to 'Courier New' (the default) and not 'Monospaced' as I had chosen. I also tried changing the font size, but with the same results.
How can I correctly set the font and font size for a Simulink model in R13?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the Simulink 5.0 (R13) preferences. It has been reported to our development staff to be investigated. To work around this issue for a specific model, type the following commands in the MATLAB command window:
set_param(gcs,'DefaultBlockFontSize','24') %Will change the Font Size to 24

set_param(gcs,'DefaultBlockFontName','Monospaced') %Will change the Font Type

where gcs is your currently open Simulink model (ie; untitled.mdl).
To make the change permanent for all new models you create, run the same command with one change as follows:
set_param(0,'DefaultBlockFontSize','24') %Will change the Font Size to 24
set_param(0,'DefaultBlockFontName','Monospaced') %Will change the Font Type
Notice that I have replaced the first input to SET_PARAM, gcs, with 0 (zero). This command will apply these new settings to all new models.