MATLAB: Am I unable to acquire no more than 5 frames per trigger with DT3152 PCi frame grabber board in Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1)

dataImage Acquisition Toolboxloggingtranslation

I am trying to acquire 15 frames with the DT3152 PCi frame grabber board using the Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1) as follows:
vid = videoinput( 'dt', 1);
src = getselectedsource(vid);
set(src, 'SyncType','separate');
set(src, 'FrameType','noninterlaced');
set(src, 'SyncLineInputPolarity','fallingEdge');
set(src, 'SyncSentinel','off');
set(src, 'SyncFieldInputPolarity','fallingEdge');
set(src, 'InputGain','0.5');
set(src, 'InputOffset',-0.336);
set(src, 'InputReference',1.2500);
set(src, 'TotalPixelsPerLine',723);
set(src, 'BackPorchStart',1);
set(src, 'ClampStart',2);
set(src, 'ClampEnd',3);
set(src, 'FirstActivePixel', 4);
set(src, 'ActivePixelCount',719);
set(src, 'TotalLinesPerField',576);
set(src,'FirstActiveLine', 1);
set(src, 'ActiveLineCount',574);
set(vid, 'ROIPosition', [0 0 719 574]);
set(vid, 'LoggingMode', 'memory');
set(vid, 'FramesPerTrigger', 15);
imgStack = getdata(vid);
% close the data stream and begin movie video preview
clear vid
The logging stops after 5 frames and I receive the following error:
??? WAIT reached its timeout before OBJ stopped running.
Error in ==> VideoAcquire>grabFrames_Callback at 161

Best Answer

This is expected behavior of the DT3152 board with the Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1). The limitation is imposed by an issue related to the board.
To work around this issue, reduce the screen color quality to 16 bits.