MATLAB: Am I unable to access the ODBC database using the Database Toolbox with MATLAB under Microsoft Windows

datadatabaseDatabase Toolboxodbc.inisourceswindows

I have added my database in MS Windows using the Data Sources (ODBC) control panel but I am still unable to "see" my database from the Database Toolbox in MATLAB.

Best Answer

In order for the Database Toolbox to access an ODBC database under MS Windows, the database must be in the file odbc.ini in the Windows installation directory. In order to add the database to this file, you should use the Data Sources (ODBC) control panel. However, if you do not have write permissions to this file, the Data Sources (ODBC) control panel does not generate an error when you add the database. Therefore, ensure that you have write permissions to the file odbc.ini and that your database has an entry there.