MATLAB: Am I unable to access the desktop menus in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) when using XMing server


I have just installed MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) on my Linux box and I am accessing MATLAB from my Windows system using the Xming Xserver.
When I attempt to access the menu item the selection highlighting and the cursor do not line up. The windows also resize themselves on start up after the initial time to be bigger than the display. If I execute MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) on the same setup everything works correctly.

Best Answer

The issue is due to a bug in the way menus implemented using Java 1.6 interact with Cygwin or Xming X server.
Here is the existing Sun bug that captures this issue:
To work around this issue for 32-bit Linux machine, here are the steps:
(1) Set an environment variable as follows in the Linux environment:
% setenv AWT_TOOLKIT MToolkit
(2) Start MATLAB, set to display to the Cygwin/X client.
(3) Confirm the environment variable is set by running:
Expected answer is
ans = sun.awt.motif.MToolkit@...
If the result is XToolkit, the environment variable has not been properly set.
(4) Restart MATLAB
Note that this may cause the background color of the text areas of the Desktop to be gray rather than white, but that can be fixed via adjusting color preferences.
To work around this issue for 64-bit Linux machine, change the JRE being used by MATLAB 7.5 to JRE 1.5.0_14. It can be downloaded from
To make MATLAB use this particular version of JRE, set the MATLAB_JAVA environment variable according to the steps mentioned in the link below: