MATLAB: Am I running into a 1.2GB memory limit on the IRIX machine


Why am I running into a 1.2GB memory limit on my IRIX machine?
I am currently running a set of MATLAB commands that create 4 matrices of zeros, each matrix being 7000×7000.
Here's what I do:
sonoma% matlab -nojvm -nosplash
n = 7000;
a1 = zeros(n);
a2 = zeros(n);
a3 = zeros(n);
a4 = zeros(n);
This returns the error:
??? Error using ==> zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
I can create the first three matrices but get the out of memory error while creating the fourth. I can create other matrices but I always run up against the 1.2GB limit. I have 24GB of physical memory and 34GB of swap space. During the test I was limited to 4GB of physical memory (via the system) and unlimited in swap space (as per the limit command I sent).
I have also run MATLAB on a Linux box and was able to get pretty close to the 2GB memory limit on that box. So, what is limiting me on IRIX?

Best Answer

We recommend consulting The Technical Support Guide to Memory Management. It can be found at the following URL:
This Technical Guide describes many of the known memory issues and how to improve MATLAB's performance.
There are no plans for this to be fixed as SGI will no longer be supported as of R14. See the following URL for more information: