MATLAB: Am I receiving a message stating “no memory card available” when installing a Raspberry Pi 2 Support Package on Windows

Why am I receiving a message stating "no memory card available" when installing a Raspberry Pi 2 Support Package?
I have a memory card inserted, which is recognized and has been assigned a drive letter by my Windows operating system. The support package installer should be able to see the available memory card, yet I receive the above error message when running the installation.

Best Answer

This problem can occur if your user account does not have write access to the C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) directory. It could also indicate that your Windows user account does not have write permission to the memory card which you are using. Administrator access is needed to resolve this. These permission is required for some support packages, as they may install drivers or other supporting software into the 'C:\Program Files\' or 'C:\Program Files (x86)\' directories, or they may copy files to your memory card, if required.
To solve the problem, try running MATLAB as an administrator.
Hold the 'Shift' key on the keyboard, and right-click the MATLAB shortcut. Select 'Run as Administrator'. If you are prompted for credentials, enter your administrator credentials.
Then, try running the support package installer within MATLAB again.