MATLAB: Am I not able to use ‘findobj’ with ‘regexp’ when working with DOM objects

domMATLAB Report Generatorregexptag

I have generated a DOM document object in MATLAB which has several children. I want to search for child DOM objects by using 'findobj' and passing the DOM objects's 'Tag' value as an input to the '-regexp' parameter.
But using it always returns an empty array.

Best Answer

The DOM API does not support 'findobj' with 'regexp' searches or instance hierarchy searches.
An enhancement request for this has been forwarded to our development team so that they can consider adding this feature to a future release of MATLAB.
As a workaround, you can create a MATLAB program to perform these searches using the DOM object's 'Children' property to recursively descend a hierarchy of DOM objects, and the MATLAB 'regexp' function to match the DOM object's property values.
More information about the 'regexp' function can be found in the MATLAB Documentation link below: