MATLAB: Am I not able to successfully build applications that use MATLAB Compiler generated C++ code that includes ODE routines

cdllfunctionlibrarymathMATLAB C/C++ Math Libraryodeshared

I have a MATLAB application, which uses the ODE functions. When I compile this MATLAB application to C++ code and include it in my own C++ project, I get the following linking errors when building:
callode15.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class mwArray __cdecl Node15s(int,class mwVarargout,class mwArray,class mwArray,class mwArray,class mwArray,class mwVarargin)" (?Node15s@@YA?AVmwArray@@HVmwVarargout@@V1@111VmwVarargin@@@Z)
callode15.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class mwArray __cdecl Nodeset(int,class mwVarargin)" (?Nodeset@@YA?AVmwArray@@HVmwVarargin@@@Z)
cppcall.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
I noticed that a couple of header files are generated for the ODE15s (which is the specific function I am using) and the ODESET functions, however there are no C++ source files generated.

Best Answer

At this time, the only workaround would be to compile your application to a C shared library, which you can call from your project.
For information on doing this, see the Related Solution listed below.