MATLAB: Am I getting “Undefined Function or variable” error in a Datafeed toolbox Function when trying to get data from Yahoo

Datafeed Toolboxyahoo undefined function or variable c

I'm using Datafeed toolbox to get data from Yahoo on multiple tickers. I'm using the syntax that's indicated in the documentation and that have worked well until now. I've tried with different tickers and tried multiple times at the command line changing to caps, or placing ' ' around the c character. None have worked. Here the code: ticker={'AAPL' 'AXP' 'BA' 'CAT' 'CSCO' 'CVX' 'DD' 'DIS' 'GE'… 'GS' 'HD' 'IBM' 'INTC' 'JNJ' 'JPM' 'KO' 'MCD' 'MMM' 'MSFT' 'MRK' 'NKE'… 'PFE' 'PG' 'TRV' 'UNH' 'UTX' 'V' 'VZ' 'WMT' 'XOM'}; c=yahoo; for i=1:30 Precio.(ticker{i})= fetch(C,ticker(i),'AdjClose','Dec 1 01','Dec 1 15','m'); %Crea una variable temporal y asigna los precios temp=Price(ticker{i}); %Crea el vector de cierres solo con los precios Cierre(:,i)=temp(:,2); end
I get this: Error using yahoo/fetch (line 133) Input argument error.
Undefined function or variable 'C'.

Best Answer

The variable named C is a different variable than the variable named c. Case matters.
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