MATLAB: Am I getting “Array indices must be positive or integers values”

integersMATLABsine function

This is a sine function, which should give me positive and negative values.
syms t
t = 0:0.02:2;
om = 10;
% Steady State Response
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Displacement (in)')
title('Displacement vs Time Response')
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in HW5plot (line 6)

Best Answer

Rhe reason is that ‘up(t)’ was being interpreted as an indexing operation rather than a function call, and ‘t’ are not all positive integers. The plot call was also inappropriate.
Try this:
syms t
om = 10;
% Steady State Response
fplot(up, [0 2])
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Displacement (in)')
title('Displacement vs Time Response')