MATLAB: Am I getting an index looping error when looping over variable

for looploopsmulti-dimensional arrayprice sensitivityproduction functionpvvar

Problem: In short, I am trying to use a loop to evaluate a function over a range of one variable input with everything else held equal and continue getting the error "In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same."
I've pre-allocated matrices for the output and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried to keep the code vectorized by using a 3D variable and element-wise multiplication, but eventually learned that was not the correct method to use.
My code is below, and a more thorough overview of the calculations is discussed below the code.
My desired output from the loop are the pvq_pr and payout_pr values at every value in the variable price
Thanks in advance.
% Financial Calculations - Price range
price = 3.00:0.50:5.00; % PRICE RANGE TO ITERATE OVER
pvq_pr = zeros(size(price,2),size(qm_30,2)); %PRE-ALLOCATE OUTPUT MATRIX

payout_pr = zeros(size(price,2),size(qm_30,2)); %PRE-ALLOCATE OUTPUT MATRIX
for ii = 1:length(price)
netcfq_pr = sum(qm_30.*(nri.*(price(ii)+pricediff) - price(ii).*prodtax - opex_var) - opex_fix); % NET CASH FLOW FUNCTION
netcfq_pr(isnan(netcfq_pr))=0; % Remove NaN and treat as zeros
netcfq_ec_pr = netcfq_pr.*(netcfq_pr>0); % Test if economic and create variable of only montly cash flows that are positive
cfq_pr = [-wellcost_row; netcfq_ec_pr]; %Concatenate cash outflow with cash infows for PV and IRR calculations
netcfcumq_pr = cumsum(cfq_pr);
pvq_pr(ii) = pvvar(cfq_pr,disc_rate/12);
payout_pr(ii) = sum(netcfcumq_pr<0);
Further detail:
qm_30 is the output of a function I wrote which generates production values for a hybrid curve which is both hyperbolic and exponential (representing natural gas production from a well). So with., qm_30 solved for, I am then trying to assess the economic viability of the separate well cases (each column in qm_30) by calculating netcfq_pr (monthly net cash flow) given qm_30, commodity price (price), and certain costs (production taxes, variable operating expenses, and fixed operating expenses).
Calculating netcfq for one (scalar) price was easy, but when I wanted to calculate what netcfq_pr for price = $3.00:0.50:$5.00 I ran into trouble.

Best Answer

Answering my own question...
First, I was trying to put a matrix where a scalar would be and I fixed this by setting the output for payout_pr from payout_pr(ii) to payout_pr(ii,:) and the same for the variable using the pvvar function. For the other calculations within the for loop I didn't realize I needed to pre-allocate a spot for them (such as netcfq_pr) and thus the loop was only running over the first row of data.
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