MATLAB: Am I getting an error when I use a Digital Filter Design block inside a Subsystem block in Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14)


I used a Digital Filter Design block to build my filter in Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14). When I put this block into a subsystem and started the simulation I received the following error:
Error in 'TstFlt/mysub/Digital Filter Design': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. MATLAB error message: Error using ==> set_param
Error in 'TstFlt/mysub/Digital Filter Design/Digital Filter': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. MATLAB error message: Error using ==> dspblkfilter>genIIRArgsStruct
Scale values must either be scalar or have length one more than the number of sections

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This problem has been fixed in Signal Processing Blockset 6.1 (R14SP1). If you are using a previous version, read the following:
We have verified that there is a bug in the Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14) in the way that the Subsystem block handles the Digital Filter Design block.
To work around this issue, right-click on the Digital Filter Design block in the subsystem, look under the mask, and pull out the underlying Digital Filter block into the subsystem. Replace the Digital Filter Design block with the underlying Digital Filter block.