MATLAB: Am I getting an “Error getting support package content from MathWorks” message when installing a Support Package


I am trying to install a Support Package. After starting the Support Package installer I see this message: "Error getting support package content from MathWorks". How do I resolve this?

Best Answer

The Support Package installer reaches out to MathWorks over TCP ports 80 and 443. You may receive this message if these ports are blocked in your firewall or if you use an authenticated proxy. To resolve this, temporarily disable your firewall or create a firewall exception.
Alternatively, you can run the Support Package installer on a machine outside of the firewall in download-only mode to download the support package:
- On a machine which is not behind your proxy or firewall, launch MATLAB and click the "Get Hardware Support Package" menu item from the "Add-ons" menu in the MATLAB toolstrip.
- Select "Download from Internet" and follow the remaining prompts.
- Bring the downloaded package to the machine that is behind the firewall using a USB drive or other physical media.
- Start the Support Package installer on the protected machine and choose "Install from folder." 
- Browse to the folder you copied to this machine from your physical media.
- Select "Next" and follow the remaining prompts.