MATLAB: Am I doing this right? (a Math formula to Matlab language)


I needed to calculate this formula:
So I wrote a function in order to do that:
(P is x and P^ is y):
function NS = nash_sat(x, y)
% This function calculates Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient
% Detailed explanation goes here
A = sum (x-y).^2;
B = sum (x-(mean(x)).^2;
fraction = (A/B);
NS = 1-fraction;
This is the first time I type a math formula in Matlab. I want to know if I typed the formula in the function correctly or not.
Thank you so much.

Best Answer

You are on the right track, but have typos in the code due to parentheses issues.
A = sum( (x - y).^2 );
B = sum( (x - mean(x)).^2 );